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Idaho Society of Professional Engineers
Friday Update – 02/08/08
 | February 9, 2008 - ISPE
Southeast Chapter MATHCOUNTS Competition - Pocatello |
February 9, 2008 -
ISPE Southwest Chapter MATHCOUNTS Competition,
February 12, 2008 -
ISPE Northern Chapter
MATHCOUNTS Competition, Coeur d'Alene
17 – 23, 2008 –
National Engineers Week |
 | February 21, 2008 – ISPE Southwest Chapter EWeek
Luncheon – Doubletree Riverside, Boise |
 | February 21, 2008 –
2008 National Engineers Week Banquet –
Red Lion Hotel, Pocatello |
 | March 8, 2008 -
State MATHCOUNTS Competition,
 | May 9, 2008 -
MATHCOUNTS Competition - Denver, CO
 | June 6, 2008 - ISPE
2008 Annual Meeting - Red Lion Hotel Boise Downtowner, Boise
The Idaho Board of Professional Engineers and Professional Land
Surveyors will be proposing legislation in the 2008 session to provide the Board
the ability to enact Continuing Professional Development (CPD) requirements for
Professional Engineers in the State of Idaho.
The Board of Directors of ISPE has voted to approve a Position Paper which
supports the proposed Continuing Professional Development legislation. This
Position Paper can be found on the ISPE Website:
http://www.idahospe.org/images/Position%20Statement%20111307%20.doc. The
ISPE Board wishes for each of its members to have their opinion heard on this
An opinion poll was sent to ISPE members and the results are as follows:
69% of those that responded to the poll support
the proposed legislation
31% of those that responded to the poll do not support the proposed

2008 Engineers Week Events
AHJ Engineers, PC
B & A Engineers, Inc
Briggs Engineering Inc
Delta Engineering Group
Elkhorn Engineers
G & S Structural Engineers
J.M. Miller Engineering, Inc
J-U-B Engineers, Inc
Kittelson & Associates Inc
Land Solutions, Land Surveying & Consulting
Mason & Stanfield, Inc
Materials Testing & Inspection
Progressive Engineering Group, Inc
Quadrant Consulting, Inc
Rational Technology of Idaho, LLC
Riedesel Engineering, Inc
Schiess & Associates
Stapley Engineering
TerraGraphics Environmental Engineering, Inc
Walker Engineering
Please consider joining these great companies in
becoming an
ISPE Sustaining Organization. ISPE offers the Sustaining
Organization category of membership to enhance the visibility of your commitment
to ISPE and the engineering profession. Your membership will allow us to better
serve the engineering community through promoting engineering and ethics, and
supporting the needs of the engineer including professional development.
If you are interested in becoming a
Sustaining Organization, please
contact the ISPE office at

Can you solve this MATHCOUNTS problem? The answer will appear in next week's
edition of the Friday Update!
Happy Groundhog Day
Every year on February 2nd in Punxsutawney, PA, Groundhog Phil is called upon to
predict how much more winter there will be. If Phil sees his shadow there will
be six more weeks of winter, but if he does not see his shadow spring is near.
In 2006 Phil saw his shadow. If Phil’s shadow was 25 inches long (when he stands
on his back legs) at the same time that a 12 foot tree cast a 15 foot shadow,
how tall was Phil, in inches, in 2006?
Groundhog Phil’s cousin Henry lives in Moundsville with his family. At the
beginning of 2006, Moundsville had a population of 2500 groundhogs but by the
beginning of 2008 the population had grown to 3025 groundhogs. If the annual
percentage of growth was the same in 2006 as it was in 2007, how many groundhogs
lived in Moundsville at the beginning of 2007?
Groundhog Henry is digging a new tunnel in a flat field outside of his home. He
starts by digging 3 ft straight down and then digs north 4 times the distance
that he dug down. At this point Henry digs straight west for 17 ft before
running into a boulder. Since he doesn’t know how big the boulder is, he backs
up 1 ft and digs 3 ft straight up to the surface. How far is the end of Henry’s
tunnel from the beginning of Henry’s tunnel?
Answer to last week’s MATHCOUNTS problem:
First we need to figure out how much standing space there is by subtracting the
area of the Reflecting Pool (in sq feet) from the area of the mall (in sq feet).
(5280) = 3300 feet
(5280) = 1320 feet
3300 × 1320 = 4,356,000 sq feet
2029 × 167 = 338,843 sq feet
4,356,000 – 338,843 = 4,117,157 sq feet
Now we’ll divide the square feet of space by the number of people.
4,117,157 ÷ 250,000 = 16.1 sq feet, to the nearest tenth
Since The King Center is open from 9am – 5pm, it is open for 8 hours.
(8 hours per day)(365 days per year) = 2920 hours per year
650,000 ÷ 2920 = 222.6 people per hour, to the nearest tenth
In a regular year there are 356 days, so from January 21, 1984 to January 21,
2008 there were 24 full years (not including an adjustment for leap years yet).
(24 years)(365 days per year) = 8760 days
From November 2nd, 1983 to December 1st, 1983 there are 29 days and from
December 1st, 1983 to January 1st of 1984 there were 31 days. Additionally there
were 20 days from January 1st, 1984 to January 21st, 1984.
29 + 31 + 20 = 80 days
That brings us to 8840 days, before considering leap years.
The years 2004, 2000, 1996, 1992, 1988 and 1984 are also leap years so we’ll
have to add 6 days (one for each leap year) to our total.
8840 + 6 = 8846 days
If you want to see last week's problem again, click
Idaho Society of Professional Engineers
PO Box 170239
Boise, ID 83717-0239
Fax: 208-426-0639
E-Mail: ispe@idahospe.org
Web Site: www.Idahospe.org
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National Engineers Week - Future City Competition

Board of Professional Engineers and
Professional Land Surveyors
