Idaho Society of Professional Engineers

           PO Box 170239, Boise, ID 83717-0239  208-426-0636  Fax: 208-426-0639  E-Mail:

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Chapter Happenings

Magic Valley Chapter
by Andrew Swensen, PE
In the past six months, the Magic Valley Chapter has been active and busy. The Chapter was in charge of organizing the program for the Annual Meeting in Boise, and after a lot of help from a lot of people, the program turned out to be excellent. Many thanks go out to those who organized, participated in, and attended the program.

We had a successful local MATHCOUNTS competition with four teams being represented (our best showing in several years). At the same time, the E-Week committee hosted a wind turbine competition at Twin Falls High School, where about ten teams from the physics classes competed for prizes (we handed out two HP 48 calculators and several $50 gift certificates). Events like these are truly good duty.

The Chapter is currently working to create an up-to-date membership roster to help the members of the Chapter see who else is associated with the organization. Along with the release of the roster, we plan to initiate some sort of recruitment effort.

We had a very good joint meeting with the ASCE Southern Idaho Section in March where a panel discussed recent legislative activity related to the engineering profession. The panel included three members of the Idaho Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors and a representative from ACEC of Idaho.

by Jim Baker, PE
The Southwest Chapter is wrapping up another successful year. Thanks to all who made it so great. Ballots will be going out to our members soon to fill the Secretary/Treasurer and Chapter Director positions. We plan to take a break from our monthly meetings in June and July but will be back full speed in August. Amy Woodruff will be taking the reins as President and Lynn Olson will be President Elect. They will need all of the support they can get, so please, consider becoming an active participant. As one past president of this chapter stated, “The world is run by people who show up”…and it still is.

Currently we are planning our annual SW Chapter MATHCOUNTS Golf Tournament Fundraiser. This event raises the lion’s share of funds that are spent each year to hold the regional MATHCOUNTS tournament. Please mark September 24th on your calendar and be thinking of teams of four to create. The tournament will be held at the Purple Sage Golf Course in Caldwell. More information on the tournament “nitty gritties” will be coming out in the next couple of months. It would be great if we can field 18 teams and have a “shotgun” tournament!

The Chapter is also looking to become more involved with the Future Cities competition and help support the program. They have several positions open on various committees and are looking for volunteers.

by Jim Reppell, PE
The State MATHCOUNTS Competition was held successfully on March 6th at BSU. With almost 100 mathletes from 27 schools participating, it was the largest state competition we’ve ever had. Thanks to all of our volunteers who made it happen. This year, students from the Southeast and North chapters grabbed the top individual and team spots. Here are the results:

Team Results
1st Place    Rocky Mountain Middle School Idaho Falls
2nd Place    Jenifer Junior High School Lewiston
3rd Place    Hawthorne Middle School Pocatello
4th Place    Moscow Junior High School Moscow

Individual Results
1st Place    Austin Stott          Rocky Mtn Middle School
2nd Place   Emily Brookhart    Rocky Mtn Middle School
3rd Place    Jordan Stott          Rocky Mtn Middle School
4th Place    Kameryn Williams Hawthorne Middle School

Austin, Emily, Jordan, and Kameryn will now represent Idaho at the National MATHCOUNTS Competition on May 7th in Washington D.C. The national competition, by the way, will be televised on ESPN2 at 10 a.m. MDT on June 3rd. Check it out!

Regional Director Report
by Charlie Bergman, PE
ISPE will be hosting the annual Western Pacific Region meeting this year. It will be held in Coeur d' Alene September 17-18. Northern Chapter is handling detail planning. This is an opportunity to see Regional Operations first hand and meet some of the people that represent us at National.

State Treasurer’s Report
by J. Canning, PE/LS
The ISPE is near completing the current fiscal year. This report will cover our financial status through 3 May 2004.

Receipts so far this year total $44,585.98. Our budgeted income for the entire fiscal year is $48,975.00. No particular red flags or highlights on the income side. Sustaining members accounted for $3,220.00, which is slightly below last year. The annual meeting/convention generated $14,825.23. We are currently at 91% of budgeted income for the year.

Expenses have totaled $47,665.61. This is 93.2% of the year’s projected expenses. A little high for approximately 83% of the year gone by, but no glaring problem areas.

Our current checking account balance is $22,095.81 Our current saving account balance is $4,033.40. Our active certificate of deposit is $4,756.23. Cash assets total $30,885.44

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 National Engineers Week - Future City Competition



Board of Professional Engineers and Professional Land Surveyors

--News Bulletins

--Meeting Minutes







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Copyright © 2003 Idaho Society of Professional Engineers
Last modified: 03/27/15
Copyright © 2003 Idaho Society of Professional Engineers
Last modified: 07/12/05




 National Engineers Week - Future City Competition



Board of Professional Engineers and Professional Land Surveyors

--News Bulletins

--Meeting Minutes







Send mail to with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2003 Idaho Society of Professional Engineers
Last modified: 03/27/15