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Progress Report
October 2002
Because of the support of the national coalition, this is the fourth year for our QBS Project. We overlooked submission of our two-month report and hope that this report may serve as both the two-month and mid-year report.

We are continually looking for ways to reach governmental officials and the private sector in our QBS education. You will see below the activities we have accomplished this year to date. Please keep in mind that each of our programs can be used as a template by other states' organizations in reaching their audiences.

In summary we have accomplished the following:

-We are in the planning stages of repeating our four regional trainings for government officials. Our strategic plan lays out a schedule in which we will offer these sessions every other year and in the off years we will attend the annual meetings and conferences of the government agencies we are targeting (cities, counties, highway districts, state departments, school districts). In the past over 200 governmental officials have attended our 2.5 hour training on what QBS is, the laws, and the advantages. We have chosen late February/early March of 2003 for a repeat of these sessions.

-Since our beginning we have actively pursued 152 complaints or requests for information on QBS, resulting in over 60 agencies agreeing to withdraw their bids and send out an RFQ utilizing QBS. We have answered numerous questions and given technical advice to agencies in preparing and proceeding through the hiring process. We have become the organization that is called for advice. Recently the Department of Commerce has asked us to write an insert for their grants management manual; AlA asked us to make a presentation to their members; the Idaho Association of Counties asked us to do a presentation at their annual conference; we have been included in statewide discussions on design build and how QBS can be part of that. Our biggest accomplishment in the last three months culminated two years of working with the Department of Lands. The Department has incorporated QBS in their proposals.

-We have drafted and will send a letter of congratulations to all of the newly elected officials in the state, from congressional delegation members, state legislators, school district board members to county commissioners informing them of QBS, the law and sending information packets. We see the continuing need for education, as each year the elected officials in our state change.

-We have developed a web site offering general QBS information ( We have a Webmaster and do regular updates. We are working with a few other ACEC
state member organizations on possibly "copying" this site for their states.

-We are working actively with state and local agencies to promote the QBS process and provide any information we can to clarify the law.

-We added a new "paying" partner this year, the American Society of Landscape Architects (They have always been a partner but this year have contributed funds to the cause). Other partners have either increased or maintained their contributions as well.

-We continue to maintain, recruit and train the Corp of Volunteers. The Corp consists of engineers of all disciplines, architects, surveyors, and landscape architects from both the public and private sectors. These volunteers contribute their time and energy when requested to promote and educate on the QBS process. They have responded to requests for assistance and will provide limited technical assistance to governmental entities that need help. Their activities are coordinated by the facilitator.

-A facilitator is continuing to work with the Council. She coordinates all activities, receives all complaints and prepares responses, keeps track of the Corp of Volunteers and schedules them upon request, does the administrative work of the Council (including running the office and answering phones) and works closely with the Treasurer. She is able to respond quickly to requests and works closely with the Council to solve problems and issues that arise. We continue to maintain a QBS phone number that is answered during regular business hours (M-F, 9am to 5pm)

-We participated in the national nomination of QBS recognition by nominating our Idaho Transportation Department.

As has always been the case, the nine partners of this endeavor have committed their time, energy and/or funding for the four-year period that began in the 1999 year. The partners include:

Consulting Engineers of Idaho (CEI)
American Institute of Architects (AlA)
Idaho Society of Professional Engineers (ISPE)
Idaho Society of Professional Land Surveyors (ISPLS)
Structural Engineers Association of Idaho (SEAl)
American Public Works Association (APW A)
Association of Idaho Cities Public Works Directors Association (AIC)
American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA)
Local Highway Technical Assistance Council (LHTAC)

(Editor's note…This report was prepared by Teri Ottens on behalf of the QBS Facilitator Council. The QBS Facilitator Council is made up of representatives from the partners listed at the end of the report. QBS Facilitator Council, PO Box 3746, Boise, ID 83703 Phone - 208-321-1736, Fax - 208-321-4819.)
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The Engineers Joint Contract Documents Committee's 21 construction documents and 12 design-build documents are now available online. In addition to these documents, you can also find the "E-500 Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Engineer for Professional Services." To immediately download these documents, see and click on the green "Contract Documents" link.




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Last modified: 03/27/15