PO Box 170239, Boise, ID 83717-0239 208-426-0636 Fax: 208-426-0639 E-Mail: ispe@idahospe.org |
CONNECTION Fall/Winter 2003 Edition ISPE Vision Statement…. "The Idaho Society of Professional Engineers (ISPE) will be the selected engineering society of the Idaho engineering professionals for promoting engineering and public awareness and providing advocacy and networking."President's Message
Idaho Society of Professional Engineers SECRETARY TREASURER Members are hereby notified that additional nominations, which may include members of the Nominating Committee, may be made by petition signed by at least twenty-five (25) voting members in good standing. Nominations by petition and a short biographical sketch must be received at the ISPE Office (PO Box 170239, Boise, ID 83717-0239) not later than December 29, 2003.
ISPE FRIDAY UPDATE Sign up for the ISPE Friday Update……sent via e-mail every Friday, this update contains upcoming events, current news and information, and other items of interest, all in a brief e-mail. To sign up for the update, send your e-mail address to the ISPE office at ispe@rmci.net.