Idaho Society of Professional Engineers
Friday Update 01/26/07
February 3, 2007 - Northern
MATHCOUNTS Competition -
February 5, 2007 Deadline for
submissions of 2007 ISPE Award
February 6, 2007
Block Fest Building Challenge Banner Bank
Building Boise 4:00 5:30 PM
February 6 10, 2007
Idaho Society of Professional Land
Surveyors Conference - Coeur d' Alene Casino - Worley, Idaho
February 10, 2007 - Southeast
MATHCOUNTS Competition
February 13, 2007 -
Magic Valley
MATHCOUNTS Competition
Twin Falls
February 13, 2007 - Northern
MATHCOUNTS Competition
Coeur dAlene
February 23, 2007
ISPE Southwest Chapter Engineers Week Luncheon -
Doubletree Riverside, Boise - 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
February 24, 2007 - Southwest
MATHCOUNTS Competition -
March 10, 2007 State
MATHCOUNTS Competition
Boise State University, Boise
March 22 & 23, 2007
ISPE 2007 Annual Meeting
Oxford Suites, Boise
May 11, 2007 National
MATHCOUNTS Competition
Convention Center, Fort Worth, Texas
May 11, 2007 ISPE
Southwest Chapter Spring Fundraiser Golf Tournament
The ISPE Southwest Chapter is looking for volunteers to assist at the Chapter
MATHCOUNTS competition on Saturday, February 24, 2007 at Boise State University.
Please contact Earl Eblen at to volunteer or for more information.
Each year ISPE selects outstanding Idahoans in recognition of their engineering
accomplishments and contributions to the engineering profession. Awards will be
presented during the 2007 Annual Meeting in Boise. Nominations must be submitted
no later than February 5, 2007. Award criteria and nomination forms can
be obtained from the ISPE web site,
or by contacting the ISPE office at 208-426-0636.
The awards for which we are looking for nominees include:
Idaho Engineering Hall of Fame: Given by ISPE to recognize
Idahoans that have made engineering contributions beyond Idaho i.e. nationally
or world wide.
Idaho Excellence in Engineering Award:
To recognize an Idahoan who is distinguishing themselves in engineering.
Idaho Excellence in Engineering Educator Award:
This award recognizes an Engineering Educator who has had a significant impact
on the engineering profession in Idaho.
Young Engineer of the Year Award: To
recognize an engineer that is making a contribution to their profession. Must be
no more than 35 years old.
Self nominations are welcomed and encouraged.
This review is to prepare its participants for the PE exam to be held on
Friday, April 20th.
Tuesday evenings from 6pm to 9pm.
Dates: January 30th through April 17th.
Location: University of Idaho Boise Center at Broadway and Front in
322 E. Front Street, Boise
To register please contact: Paula Peterman, (208) 364-6188,
Cost: $600
To purchase the required texts go to, follow the Click
Professional Development, click PE Review, choose which discipline and under
textbooks follow the link to PPI.

In addition to the PE/FE review courses already offered, NSPE members can now
enjoy a 10% discount on all
continuing education courses and products (including selected exam
preparation materials) from the NSPE/Kaplan catalog.

Can you solve this MATHCOUNTS problem? The answer will appear in next week's
edition of the Friday Update!
January Ice-breakers
This problem was written on January 22, 2007 which can be written as 1/22/07.
When the 3-integer parts (1, 22, and 7) of that date are added their sum is a
positive integer with 8 factors. What date in January 2007, when written in that
form, will the sum of its 3-integer parts have the greatest number of factors?
Ice storms can cause considerable damage to trees. Accumulations of ice can
increase the branch weight by 30 times or more causing the branch to break. A
tree branch that is 1 centimeter in diameter and 1 meter in length has
accumulated ice during a storm. (Assume the volume of water is the same as the
volume of ice and the branch is a perfect cylinder.) What is the weight in
kilograms of the ice that accumulated on this branch if the new diameter of the
branch with ice on it is 6 centimeters along the entire branch? The weight of 1
cubic centimeter of water is 1 gram. Express your answer as a decimal to the
nearest tenth.
Icebergs are formed when part of a freshwater glacier falls into the sea. The
density of the iceberg is less than the density of the sea water so the iceberg
floats. Typically 90% of the iceberg is underwater. Assume 90% of the volume of
an iceberg is under water. The visible part above sea level of a dome-shaped
iceberg is modeled by a hemisphere whose diameter is 5 meters. What is the total
volume of the iceberg in cubic meters? Express your answer to the nearest whole
Answer to last weeks MATHCOUNTS problem:
Each day of the week must occur twice before a third Monday can occur.
Therefore, 15 days must occur to arrive at a third Monday. The earliest date in
January the nation can celebrate Martin Luther King Jr.s birthday is January
15. If January 1 occurs on a Tuesday, the third Monday will occur two weeks and
six days later, or 20 days later. The latest date in January the nation can
celebrate Martin Luther King Jr.s birthday is January 21. The third Monday can
fall on any of the dates January 15 through 21. His actual birth date is January
15. The probability Martin Luther King Jr.s actual birth date falls on the
third Monday in January is 1/7.
Find the difference between the percent increase in the minimum wage passed by
congress in 1963 and the percent increase in the minimum wage requested by Marti
Luther King Jr. (0.85 χ 1.15) (0.1 χ 1.15) = 0.6521 .The positive difference
between the percent increase in the minimum wage passed by congress in 1963 and
the percent increase requested by Martin Luther King Jr. in his speech is 65.2%.
Let r represent the annual percent increase in the federal minimum wage. 1.15 (
1 + r ) 11 = 2.00. Solve for r. Divide each side of the equation by 1.15, ( 1 +
r ) 11 = 1.739130435.... Take the 11th root of both sides of the equation. Find
the 11th root of the right side of the equation with a calculator by raising
1.739130435... to the (1/11) power. (1 + r) = 1.051594674.... r = 0.05159....
The annual percent increase in the federal minimum wage was 5.2%.
If you want to see last week's problem again, click
Idaho Society of Professional Engineers
PO Box 170239
Boise, ID 83717-0239
Fax: 208-426-0639
Web Site: