Idaho Society of Professional Engineers Update – November/December, 2016
FROM THE PRESIDENT:‘Tis the season! Your Northern chapter representatives and myself are hard at work planning next year’s conference and chapters all over the state are gearing up for their MATHCOUNTS competitions in February. These two events are great opportunities to get more involved at the chapter level! If you want to know more, please reach out to your chapter representatives or myself for more information. We will postpone our monthly Update until the new year, as we head into the holidays, as most chapters take a pause. Be sure to have a safe and happy holiday!RECENT CHAPTER EVENTS:· Magic Valley Chapter has scheduled a tour of the Interstate 84 Twin Bridges project on November 9, 2016 at 10:00 AM.
· Northern Chapter has scheduled a tour of Inland Empire Paper Company’s facility on November 17th from 2:00 to 4:00 PM; also look for an update on whether the chapter is rescheduling a tour of Central Pre-stress (cancelled due to weather)
· Southeast Chapter has scheduled a noon meeting on November 17, 2016, 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM at Portneuf Valley Brewing, 615 S First Avenue, Pocatello
· Southwest Chapter has scheduled a noon meeting on November 15, 2016, 12:00 Noon to tour the new Computer Science Department at Boise State University and learn about current research and development within the program - Meet at Main Street Station, 777 W Main St, Boise, ID
November 9, 2016 - ISPE Magic Valley Chapter Meeting- 10:00 AM - Tour the Interstate 84 Twin Bridges project
November 15, 2016 - ISPE Southwest Chapter November Meeting - 12:00 Noon - Tour the new Computer Science Department at Boise State University and learn about current research and development within the program - Meet at Main Street Station, 777 W Main St, Boise, ID.
November 17, 2016 - ISPE Southeast Chapter Noon Meeting - 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM - Portneuf Valley Brewing, 615 S First Avenue, Pocatello November 17, 2016 – ISPE Northern Chapter Meeting – 2:00 – 4:00 PM - Tour of Inland Empire Paper Company’s facility - 3320 N Argonne Road, Spokane, WA June 8 - 9, 2017 - ISPE 2017 Annual Meeting - Coeur d'Alene Inn, Coeur d'Alene, ID
February 18, 2017 - ISPE Southwest Chapter MATHCOUNTS Competition - Boise State University
March 11, 2017 - ISPE State MATHCOUNTS Competition - Boise State University
May 14 - 15, 2017 - Raytheon MATHCOUNTS National Competition - Orlando, FL
NSPE NEWS: NSPE Executive Director, Board of Directors’ update for the period October 15 – 31, 2016 Included in the report are the following: Championing the PE License Ø NSPE adds a Frequently Asked Questions section to its online Leadership Toolbox. Initial questions target the integrated membership business model project, the new NSPE logo, and NSPE core messages. Ø NSPE submits formal public comment to National Highway Traffic Safety Administration calling for greater involvement of PEs in NHTSA’s guidelines in the development/deployment of autonomous vehicles. Ø NSPE assists Arizona SPE in opposing the AZ state legislature’s attack on occupational licensure. Ø NSPE’s Committee on Policy & Advocacy (COPA) creates a Task Force to review development of a unified position statement on domestic energy. Ø NSPE has impact on Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement’s final rules - updating oil and natural gas production and safety regulations – that now includes the term PE in the list of acronyms and references. Ø NSPE expands its advocacy services and support to state societies and updates its list of no cost resources. Ethical Guide to the Profession Ø NSPE seeks suggestions to improve its annual essay contest via a brief online survey-deadline to complete survey extended to November 4. Powering Professional Advancement Ø January 31, 2017 set as deadline for submission of NSPE Honor Awards nominations. Ø NICET to implement computer-based testing for new Transportation Construction Inspection program in December and three Construction Materials programs by April. Uniting the PE Community Ø NSPE’s fall membership recruitment campaign launched to a very promising initial response. Launch included printed brochure, dedicated e-mail blast and an online landing page with 16 member benefit videos. Ø NSPE online communities continue to generate robust discussions. Ø DiscoverE solicits role models to promote 2017 Girl Day.
NSPE Executive Director, Board of Directors’ update for the period October 1-15, 2016 Included in the report are the following: Championing the PE License Ø Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement increases the role of the PE in its updated oil and natural gas production safety rules. Ø NSPE continues to assist state societies in issues relating to autonomous vehicles. Ø NSPE reacts to possible legislature that could reduce requirement for occupational licenses, potentially creating unintended consequences for the PE. Ethical Guide to the Profession Ø NSPE expresses disappointment as NHTSA, in its Federal Automated Vehicles Policy, fails to address major safety implications in how autonomous vehicle technology is being tested and deployed. Ø NSPE participates in DC think tank meeting to discuss “grey areas” surrounding autonomous vehicles. Powering Professional Advance Ø NSPE announces series of upcoming webinars. Ø State societies reminded to promote their PDH offerings on NSPE’s online PE Institute. Ø 2016-17 College Salary Report is released by The Power to Pass. Ø PE magazine article in July/August issue reports on a study about “Engineering as a Liberal Art.” Uniting the PE Community Ø NSPE Dues Model Study Group 1 begins its work to address its charge to evaluate, analyze, improve and finalize details for a unified three-tiered membership model to be presented to the NSPE House of Delegates in July. Ø November 7th DiscoverE webinar will preview plans and available resources for year round promotion of engineering.
Idaho Society of
Professional Engineers
National Engineers Week - Future City Competition
Board of Professional Engineers and Professional Land Surveyors
PO Box 170239, Boise, ID 83717-0239 | 208-426-0636 |
Fax: 208-426-0639 | E-Mail: ispe@idahospe.org