Chapter Happenings……
Southeast Chapter
SE Chapter Elections were recently completed and the following slate of
officers were elected for the 2002-2003 term:
Shaun Dustin
Lead Civil Engineer
Intrepid Technology & Resources
501 W. Broadway. Suite 200
Idaho Falls, ID 83402
PH: (208) 529-5337
FX: (208) 529-1014
Bradley A. King
Associate Research Professor
University of Idaho
Aberdeen, ID
PH: (208) 397-4181
John S. Kirkpatrick
Regional Engineering Manager
Idaho Department of Environmental Quality
224 S. Arthur
Pocatello, ID 83204
PH: (208) 236-6160
FX: (208) 236-6168
Past President/Chapter Director
Jake Dustin
Vice President
Intrepid Technology & Resources
501 W. Broadway. Suite 200
Idaho Falls, ID 83402
PH: (208) 529-5337
FX: (208) 529-1014
The newly elected officers have taken on a challenge to determine the
cause(s) of the general decline in activity/involvement of members of
record in chapter meetings and engineering-related events. In addition to
creating a Chapter Newsletter, they also prepared a self-addressed,
stamped anonymous response questionnaire that was mailed out with the
election ballots. Eighteen responses have been received to date. Results
will be shared in a future edition, but it is interesting to note that of
the 18 responses, only 2 came from members under the age of 50. Clearly we
have work to do to reach our "younger" members!
Southwest Chapter
2001-2002 Officers
President: Stephen Loop, PE/LS
President-Elect: Michael Morrison, PE
Secretary/Treasurer: Jim Baker, PE
Chapter Director: Kelvin Anderson, PE
Past President: Kelvin Anderson, PE
Committee Chairs
Membership: Ken Nichols, PE
Awards: Karen Doherty, PE
Nominations: Clifford Roberts, PE
MATHCOUNTS: Jonathan Lenhart, PE
Golf Tournament: Ken Nichols, PE
Engineers Week: Betsy Roberts, PE
Salary Survey: Karen Doherty, PE
The Southwest chapter conducted regular membership meetings during the
months of September, October, November, December, January, March, April
and May. The September meeting was an evening meeting held at Micron
Technology and the October meeting was a joint evening meeting held at
Round Table Pizza in Meridian with the American Society of Mechanical
Engineers. Beginning in January, the meetings were held over lunch at
Burger n Brew. Topics this year covered Statistical Modeling for
Engineers: The SW ISPE Salary Survey by Mike Morrison, PE of Micron
Technology; Catalytic Ignition of Ethanol-Water for Alternative Fuel
Vehicles by Judi Steciak, Ph.D., P.E. from the University of Idaho -
Boise; Middleton Power Plant Proposal and Issues by Michael P. Elliott,
Director of Development for Ida-West Energy; Risk Management and
Professional Liability by Attorney Eric Hone; The Boise Public Works
Department and An Overview of Geothermal Energy in Boise by William
Ancell, P.E., Director of the Boise City Department of Public Works;
Micron Water Injection Project by Terri Scanlan of Scanlan Engineering;
and 3D Animation and Visualization by Eric Regner of R-Squared.
Two major projects were undertaken this year by the Southwest Chapter. The
first was a survey of the membership to determine the best meeting times
and place as well as topics of interest. The second was the development of
the chapter's web page which can be reached via the State web page.
The Engineers Week Luncheon was a major success this year with an
attendance of over 200. Governor Kempthorne was the Keynote Speaker. The
luncheon was jointly hosted with the Southern Idaho Section of ASCE in
honor of their 150th Anniversary.
Magic Valley Chapter
Wow, I really like the effort to improve communications!! This is a great
idea and should be very beneficial to all members. Here in the MV Chapter,
we met in April for the first time in several months. The Leadership group
is making a valiant effort to revitalize the Chapter and I believe we are
on a path to be the best ever! Several members have stepped up to lead in
the areas of Secretary/Treasurer, Mathcounts and we are now taking turns
hosting our monthly meetings. Idaho Power hosted the April meeting and
discussed Idaho Power's Danskin, gas-fired, power plant at Mountain Home.
McClure Engineering is hosting the May meeting.
More news later…..Perry E. Van Patten-President