Idaho Society of Professional Engineers

           PO Box 170239, Boise, ID 83717-0239  208-426-0636  Fax: 208-426-0639  E-Mail:

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Idaho Society of Professional Engineers Proposed Nominees for 2003-2004 Officers

The Nominating Committee has recommended the following individuals for inclusion on the 2003-2004 ballot:

David Schiess, PE
(Schiess & Associates, SE Chpt)
Joseph Canning, PE/LS
(B & A Engineers, SW Chpt)
Junior Regional Director
Nestor Fernandez, PE
(Idaho Transportation Dept, SW Chpt)
Cliff Roberts, PE
(Brown and Caldwell, SW Chpt)
Idaho Board of Professional Engineers & Professional Land Surveyors
Scott McClure, PE
(Incumbent, McClure Engineering, MV Chpt)

Members are hereby notified that additional nominations, which may include members of the Nominating Committee, may be made by petition signed by at least twenty-five (25) voting members in good standing. Nominations by petition and a short biographical sketch must be received at the ISPE office (PO Box 170239, Boise, ID 83717-0239) not later than January 10, 2003.

State Treasurer's Report
By: J. Canning, PE/LS
We are still early in our fiscal year that runs from July 1st to June 30th as far as income and expenses are concerned. Not too long ago NSPE sent out renewal notices for the 2003 year and the society's activities for the year are still ramping up. The information provided in this report covers financial activities from 1 July through 2 December.

Receipts thus far in the year total $10,343.85, which is 25.9% of the projected annual budget. Expenses total $11,917.05, which is 25.5% of the annual budget. Receipts and expenses in all budget categories are where they should be for the year to date.

Average monthly receipts so far this fiscal year are $2,068.77. Average monthly expenses so far this year are $2,383.41.

Our current checking account balance is $19,029.57. Our current saving account balance is $4,008.62. We still have an active certificate of deposit in the amount of $4,665.82. Cash assets total $27,704.01
Chapter Happenings......

Southeast Chapter

The Southeast Chapter executive committee sent out a survey with the 2002 election ballot to solicit input from the membership for planning future chapter activities. Eighteen surveys were returned from a membership of approximately 80 members in the Southeast Chapter. Of the eighteen respondents, ten (56%) were 61 years of age or older, and two (5%) were 40 years of age or younger.

The respondents selected promoting the importance of registration and supporting a collective response to issues and concerns of the engineering profession as the main reasons for maintaining membership in ISPE/NSPE. Networking and social interaction with peers were designated as secondary reasons for membership in ISPE/NSPE.

When asked to "indicate the business sector you practice in", fifty percent of the respondents designated consulting and 25 percent were retired.

When asked, "What do you think would improve attendance at chapter meetings", location and better notification were the primary responses with topic and day of week/month being second.

When asked, "The newsletter is helpful/not helpful", 100 percent responded that it was helpful.

The MATHCOUNTS Competition will be held on Saturday February 22nd, 2003 at the Idaho State University Student Union Building from 9:00 am to 1:00 p.m.

The annual Engineers Week Banquet will be held at the Shilo Inn Convention Center in Idaho Falls on Friday February 21st, 2003 beginning at 6:00 p.m.

Another season of MATHCOUNTS has started throughout the state. As of December 2nd, 29 Idaho schools have registered to participate. We anticipate several more will sign on before the December 13th registration deadline. Preparations for the competitions are underway in all 4 ISPE chapters. Coordinators have identified the dates and locations for the competitions, and are busy tying down all the other details. The coordinators can always use the help of volunteers. If you are interested in getting involved with MATHCOUNTS, please contact your chapter coordinator.

You can find the chapter coordinator names, and the competition dates and locations on the ISPE web site: If you'd like more information on the MATHCOUNTS program in general, visit the program's main web site at




 National Engineers Week - Future City Competition



Board of Professional Engineers and Professional Land Surveyors

--News Bulletins

--Meeting Minutes







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Copyright © 2003 Idaho Society of Professional Engineers
Last modified: 03/27/15